Sunday, May 22, 2022

With All the Pomp & Circumstance of this Weekend, I Couldn't Help Celebrating Krystyna's 94th Birthday. Wonderful to Have a Great Neighbor.

It is a go, go, go world, but I also know that my neighbor who I look after was turning 94. She loves orchids and I simply added to her orchid collection. She loved to spoil Glamis and now wants to cook for Karal, and she's feisty. Hikes the neighborhood, keeps an eye on my house, calls to make requests of me. Invites me in for coffee and conversation (although her English is limited)

She was like, "No. No. you don't buy for me. No." But I told her as long as she supplies me with pierogis, I'll be good to her on her birthday. Besides, she was all dressed up and did her hair for the day.

I decided to boycott the undergraduate graduation this morning, because I have nothing in me left to give. I'm not sure what sitting in the sun for another three hours will do, and although there are a few faces I want to congratulate, my allergies and exhaustion have me dreaming of pillows, sitting still, and blowing my nose with tissues. I need a day of rest (shouldn't we all take one?).

I have plenty of joy and appreciation for the happiness of the graduate graduation yesterday and that should tie me over for another exhausting as it all is. 

Let today be for unwinding, slow planning, and the semblance of living as a snail, for just a little bit. Wish me luck...that is my aim.

And I want to sweat. I want to get in the soil. I want to be mindless, but intentional.