Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Got to Meet Epic (EPK, Ethan Patrick) Two Weeks After Being Born. Phew. They Always Scare Me When They're This New and Fragile. Beautiful Kid

I would have made record time home if it wasn't for...wasn't for...Connecticut traffic. I was actually cursing saying, "You know what? I'm read for the drones. Yes, I know it's 60% of the workforce, but these truckers are driving me nuts. There has to be another way to transport material items." You hit the edges of Connecticut and the traffic begins. 

It's all good. It was a kazillion degrees much that Karal didn't even want to get out to pee. We made it home, I unpacked, then I was invited to meet the new guy.

He is 50% Preli and 50% Kelly. The perfect kid for a wonderful couple. All fingers and long. So calming.

But the calm is short-lived as I have a billion and one things to attend to immediately this morning. I'm not sure I'm looking forward to any of them, because I finally got a short taste of what other people mean about summer....mine was very short-lived.

I'm also going to continue doing dance to the rain gods. We need the rain. My new neighbors are in, and it seems strange that when I left Debbie was packing up, and now there's completely new residents directly beside me. Hoping they're good people like her. Rumor is they are veterinarians which will be wonderful, as that seems to be good company for these parts.

Happy Hump Day, World. As Tim O'Brien wrote, there's much to be humped always.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Visited the Alma Mater Yesterday on Their First Day Back for a New Semester: Great Energy, Beautiful Diversity, Academic Joy-Land: All Orange & Blue

Funny. I got the butterflies and nerves all over again, parking in the University garage and heading up to Huntington Hall. I have many memories of the four years I was there for the first day of school, each year a different year (and only one year I  invested in such good parking - otherwise it was Manlius Field House and a bus for me). Everyday, I came in to see the red beams supporting glass before turning right, to walk up the stair, turn into Reading and Language Arts.

My memories from those days are vague, as it set the pace of a 6 a.m. until midnight lifestyle of which I'm used to now. Sad to see the doors of the RLAC closed, however, as times are always changing. 

Kelly is interim Dean, so I met her in the Dean's Office then we went on a tour of all the updates on campus, including the D'Aniello Institute for Veterans & Military Families, the updated Schine Student Center, and the Einhorn Family Walk. Swank spaced, indeed. 

Our ol' restaurants are no longer open on Marshall Street but we found a new space to eat and catch up. It's always a pleasure to meet with Kelly, as I owe her so much in my life and career. I couldn't have received better mentorship and because of her I finished my time at Syracuse with great success. 

I met two new doctoral students, heard about several changes, and then it hit's been 11 years since leaving the hill and moving on. And it's only been my 4th time coming back...Writing Our Lives events, Kwame Alexander visit, and one time to work with a SOLER crew.

Blink of an eye. Just like that. Hard to appreciate all the intricacies when in the thick of it, but truly proud of every ounce invested into this soul (and just as proud as my doctoral brothers and sisters since). 

And with that, I'm packing up and heading back to CT. I'm carrying several wonderful days back with me (and the good for a CNY barbecue on Mt. Pleasant. Stay tuned, CT peeps).

Monday, August 29, 2022

When She Turned 50, I Was 22 and Living My First Year in Kentucky. I Found a Photo from Her 50th Party. And I'm 50 Now. This Time Thing Is Something.

This is my mom. I found pictures of cake for her 50th and this photo, too. She's opening a present from me, but I'm not sure what I sent from Louisville. I just know I wasn't at the party. I see myself in the photo, especially if I cock my head a particular way. This, too, is a photo from my 50th. At hers, we'd have to take the film cartridge to a drugstore and wait a week for the pictures to be returned. Of course now, we have cellphones.

Last night we watched Big Brother and avoid another night of ice cream. I'm putting this in perspective, as at 50, Chitunga is 26...the twins are heading to 30. I'm simply trying to gage time. Cynde and Mike, a couple years ahead of me, have 26 and 23 right behind them. It's funny to think about where we were when we were that age. At 26, I was definitely teaching at the Brown School and full-blown finishing a 2nd Masters degree. 

I believe I have more gray than my mother at this time...and definitely more facial hair. We both wear glasses

50. It remains a good age. It's definitely a space to put years behind ya, but also to think strategically about the years that are ahead. Funny to think there aren't photos in drawers in my house, because anything taken stays on the phone or is stored on Facebook. Of course, many are uploaded to Twitter and the Blogs I keep, too. Who knows if any of them will be around when I'm 78. Only time will tell. 

What remains the same is the very human need to capture time while we have it, in any way that we can. 

I really does go by pretty fast. 

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Oh, The Syracuse Life and Family. Visits are Brief. Adult Responsibilities Are Growing. And It Just Makes Me Happy to Gather, Catch Up, & Reflect

Saturday revolved around Jack and Madeline's 50th Wedding Anniversary. I was the Uber driver, and came from Connecticut because my sisters were booked. Butch had on a dress shirt and tie by noon, and I kept saying, "THE PARTY IS NOT UNTIL 4 PM DAD!!!!" (I use capitalization to denote shouting so he can hear me). The twins and Kanyea arrived for lunch, so we took Butch to Chubby's and played a little pool, but he was focused on the wedding and was already tiring. NOTE: It wasn't a wedding, but that is what he was fixated on. 

Val's chicken wings and Chubby's pizza seemed like a good idea for lunch, but they weren't smart at all. 

We returned to Amalfi Drive, visited with mom for a bit, and then I knew it was time to load the parental units in the car for the anniversary party. The boys left, and then we headed to Fireside Inn in Baldwinsville -a classic joint in CNY. It was open bar but my mom barely touched her White Russian and dad didn't finish a Labatts Blue. They both ate well, although my dad complained about his dentures. 

It was wonderful to see Jill and Joel, and to celebrate their parents' 50th. They were middle school kids when I graduated high school, but it is great to meet them in their adult lives. Jack and Madeline were staples to Amalfi Drive and I don't think anyone has lived in Cherry Heights longer. They come with the street, so I was thrilled to be home in CNY to applaud their long-term marital commitment. It was also great to meet Jill and Joel's partners. 

Cherry Heights was a wonderful place to grow up and being able to celebrate Jack and Madeline was a beautiful milestone. They are a ritual of Amalfi Drive, like the normalcy of mail trucks, snow plows, and the ice cream guy. It's just the way it always has been. 

At night, Dad and I sat out front - him in several layers because he claimed it was cold - and we talked about changes he's seen in the area. We talked about the boys, Chitunga, the work as its changed, my pain-in-the-ass dog, Karal, who my dad is kind of fond of, and the laundry he still needed to do.

My plan was to make my mom an ice cream sundae with the peanut butter cups left on the tables, but by the time dad and I came inside, my mom had already eaten them. No Sundaes for her, I guess.

It's wild to think how generations ebb and blow. Beautiful, really. 

One foot in front of the other. One day at a time. 

We never know what will become of it all. 

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Better Behind the Wheel Than Upon a Keyboard. Spending a Morning with the Nephews from Manlius

Casey, Jacob, Sean-Man, and Dixie drove to the other side of Syracuse in hopes of scoring Chic-filet on (which was a success) and getting some quality time with Karal. Cousins on International Dog Day and a festival of lawn chairs sitting in the garage. The humidity returned, as did the rain, but there was a window of time to take Sean around the block a few times in the Hulk. It's always obvious when a kid grows up on riding lawn mowers and 4-wheelers. They have more control of how a vehicle handles and moves. 

I laughed watching Sean fold into the driver's position as he's bound to be the tallest of the whole Crandall/Barnwell/Isgar set. Then I had to think, "Wait. That must be what I look like folded behind the wheel. We're practically the same height." Maybe big guys like us should be driving trucks so we look more comfortable. 

By the way, Jacob has the better musical talents.

At night, I got the fortune of the Scott, J.D., Butch garage-gathering of Budweiser and Southern Comfort. I will forever be amazed by the number of phases that garage has gone through with company, booze ,and neighborhood storytelling. Butch and Sue have been staples in the 'hood but the people have changes. The drama has altered. The tales move on. It remains surreal to grow up in the middle of it, to leave for college, to return, to spend a decade in Kentucky (only to return to the backyard pool), to earn a doctorate, and to visit now from CT. 44 years of Amalfi Drive and its fables.

Butch's garage knows. The lawn chairs and garage cans know. The wooden fence and bushes with bees know.

The grass would know, too, but it never has a chance to grow real tall as dad continues to mow it every day.

And Amalfi continues.

Friday, August 26, 2022

In Their Happy Places. Dad Watching Little League Baseball Playoffs and Mom on Her I-Pad Watching Stranger Things with Chocolate, Peanut Butter Ice Cream

A productive day. Mom to doctors and to the grocery store. Dad to get his hunting license for another season (I tried to talk him into a Nerf gun and said we could make mom a pair of antlers and he could shoot her, but that didn't sell). Dad also went to his hearing aid people and was suggested, which we also followed with a grocery run. If you need bread, donuts, or grapes, we have you covered.

I got my Wegman's sub for lunch so I'm 100% satisfied and good to go.

For dinner, I grilled vegetables, steaks, mushrooms, and burgers. Cynde and Mike came over and we ate well before I had a 6 p.m. meeting and dad settled into the LL World Series. To be honest, if I was in CT tonight I'd be watching the LL World Series, too. It's an August addition every year. 

Note: this is pre-blankets. Dad is in shorts, but a winter flannel because they keep the house very, very cold. They both then retreat under blankets complaining they're cold. It's probably the addition of ice cream for mom, though. Air conditioning and ice cream. 

And it's amazing. Dad's lucidity ebbs and flows, but when it comes to making calls on the field, he's pretty accurate with outs, safes, balls, and strikes. Eagle eyed, always.

The calls can be made with the volume lowered as mom blares Stranger Things. It's an accommodation for the parental units where everyone wins.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

After a Queen Concert, My Parents Took Out Their Dancing Shoes & Performed SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE Until It Was Time to Go to Bed. CNY Chronicles

Neighbors bought my mom sheet music from QUEEN, so she dusted off her electronic keyboard and with her Popeye eye, squinted to play some of her favorite melodies as my welcoming entourage upon arriving to upstate New York. I though this would be the highlight of the first night home, but then chose to perform routines from Singing in the Rain, Cabaret, Dirty Dancing, and Saturday Night Fever. 

This was a post-Covid performance as they'd been saving these talent for a time I'd be home and they could (VOLUME UP SO THE CAROLIs COULD HEAR THE MUSIC, TOO) put on a show to remember. 

Long gone are days of the slop (a Sherburne thing) and now the parental units are being choreographed by Travis Wall, Tyce Diorio, and Posha Kovalev. 

It was something to behold. Brenda worked spotlights from behind and Betty Lou worked the ones out front. Come to think of it, I think the Corbetts could hear the music down in the's got to hear the beat, ya know. 

Now, we're off for a day of medical procedures, pharmacies, bloodwork, and medical-transportation. This is the reason I take my vitamins. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

It's the Little Things In Life that Should Make Us Happy. A Good Dinner with Friends. Folded Towels from the Dryer. A New Collar for the Pupperdoodle.

I bought a paddleboard and was given an equal amount to spend at Ocean State Job Lot. Yesterday, I bought karat a new collar and leash (hey, big spender) and I busted my fingers trying to get the tags relocated. They makes those wire things next to impossible to maneuver. Yes, Karal is female, but we went ti with a light blue to shake things up a bit. It's still a floral design, however, so anyone who pays close attention will know it's a girl dog. She still sleeps with her feet up against the wall.

Today, I have campus meetings followed by a trip to Syracuse to spend time with the parental units. I have books queued on audible and I'm looking forward to the listening (actually going after an award-winning book I missed a few years ago). 

The storms they've predicted three days in a row have all gone south or north. We might get a sprinkle here and there, but for the most part they bypass us completely. We're still as dry as the sawdust that makes an anthill. It's miserable breathing. 

I also had the pleasure of getting dinner with Nels and Emily, colleagues from the English Department who live a few blocks away. We always say we should do it more often, but never do. It's always great company, especially when tapping glasses in great hopes for a new year. They are admirable scholars, indeed. 

I'm looking forward to having Karal showcased her new neck-threads in upstate, New York, and I'm sure she can't wait to have full reign of the back yard. For me, I get 4.5 hours of being on the road and that always makes me happy.

But first...there's this meeting I must attend. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Far From a High Performer, I Managed to Bust a Belt on the Vacuum Cleaner's 2nd Use (Meanwhile I've Become a Gorilla in the Mist)

I blame the dog. She leaves her toys everywhere, and even when swiping the furniture, her furry creatures get entrapped in the bottom of the vacuum cleaner. I didn't even see it. I just smelt it as it clogged the propellor, created the burned rubber smell, then smoked itself to death. I blew a belt. Ugh. At least I was cleaning. 

I also bought a vaporizer to mist the room while I sleep. I can't take another night of dry air (even with he air conditioner running). We shall see if that makes any difference. Yesterday was a long day and, to be honest, it felt like an end of a school year. By 3 pm I laid down on the couch and fell asleep for two hours. I was simply zonked out. My brain refused to work. I guess this is what happens when you run non-stop for 11 years during winter and summer breaks. Eventually it all catches up. 

I think it has caught up. 

I'm holding out for a great writing day, pretending it's me agains all the deadlines in the universe. It doesn't help that staff and faculty are slowly checking email again, so I'm getting responses for requests I made in June. I guess this is the way it is for others. June thru August are off limits....but I thought staff had different expectations. 

Okay. Gripe-session over. Onward.

Monday, August 22, 2022

A Last Gathering for a Great Neighbor. Retired from Teaching and Heading Away from Connecticut. Dog Lover - She Will Be Missed

I grew up in Cherry Heights on Amalfi Drive, so neighbors were essential for the way we lived. They were ubiquitous with stores, rituals, friendship, and support. In adult life, neighbors aren't as prevalent, but Deb has been consisted. She watches out for me and I watch out for her and her mom.

So when she announced and early retirement and departure, I was a little upset. Her backyard is Karal's go-to location. If Karal gets out, she immediately flies over to Deb's backyard to play with Buckey. Veterinarians are moving in next door, but we like our Deb and our trust of one another. 

She's New Hampshire taxes, a news space, and closer to her own family. Thankful for Chitunga and Jeff for helping to throw the lil' party to wish her the best. We shall see what comes next.

It's Monday. I have medical appointments and a warehouse of work needing to be done. Great weekend, predictions of rain for a new week, and excitement that the weather is changing. 

Sad to see Deb leave, as she's been a staple on Mt. Pleasant since we arrived. Nothing sits still for long, though. 

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Snuck In a Saturday Margarita at the Last Minute, as Everyone's Weekend's Shenanigans Came to a Close

I was actually at Big Y preparing for a neighborhood picnic when I got a text to say there was a congregation at Pam's in Walnut Beach and if I was anyone, I would be there. I thought everyone had other plans for the evening. Edem stunk up the house cooking some sort of fish concoction, and I was delighted to know people were doing something outside my home. So I went. And I got my margarita.

It was another hot day in Connecticut and I'm hoping the two days of rain predicted ahead comes true. 

I spent most of Saturday working on grants, an award application, and articles, so when 6 pm rolled around and I learned I was invited out, I was very happy. I tried to make dinner arrangements all day with CWP teachers and no one was biting. I was feeling a wee bit sorry for myself when everyone folded into the beach as usual. 

I'm also proud to say that the cabin is booked for Rhiannon and Eric's wedding in the Adriondacks. It's a bit of a splurge, but I'm in need of another getaway, especially when its totally embalmed in nature. I can't wait. 

Okay, Sunday. I need to start cooking and cleaning. We got this.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

I Want This Rest. I Want to Be Able to Sleep Soundly for Long Periods of Time and Wake Up Feeling Refreshed. Instead, I'm in Dryness Sinus Season and Miserable

Not sure when I had a good sleep last. We're on three to four weeks of high temperatures and no rain, so the dryness is out of control and my sinuses hate me. I move from headaches, to sore throats, to coughing, to earaches, back to headaches again. And being a self-diagnosing physician, I keep coming up with solutions on my own. So far, none of them are working (and I am thinking I need a good ol' Grannie Annie boiled water in a bowl, towel-over-head-and-bowl, kind of night. Funny how as we get older, the allergy thing evolves.

There's no rain in the forecast either. I don't know how people live desert life. I am not a fan of the dust-breathing. 

And because I'm Mr. Miserable with health impairments this morning, I should confess that I'm icing my left knee, too, as it is swollen and full of lots of fluids. The only thing I can name that would cause this is the spill during the wedding when my right leg broke through the wooden steps and I went flying forward to land on my left knee. But that was Saturday, and I've been paddle boarding and walking since without a glitch. Then, in the last 24 hours, I'm now in pain and swollen. It's very annoying. 

Aging sucks, too. Boo hoo hoo.. 

On a good note, I grilled chicken and Pam made her famous Mac-n-Cheese, so I ate well last night. Seriously don't know anyone who does the dish better. It simply brings smiles and happiness to all who eat it. 

Okay, it's Saturday. I need to quit whining and get to work. 

Friday, August 19, 2022

Gourdians of the Galaxy, Grown Right Out Front on Mt. Pleasant - the Only Crop that Took This Year is the One I Never Planted

I feel for the gardeners in southern Connecticut. The lack of rain has been brutal and keeping flowers, lawns, and trees alive has been harsh. I spent around $70 on my first-ever herb garden and it was a total bus besides the arugula and basil. And I water. It's just been too hot. 

Of course, last year's Autumn pumpkins fell to the soil from the front porch and rerooted themselves and now I'm picking gourds daily. I've always been gourd-yes, if I do say so myself. They do seem premature though, and I'm wondering if they will rot by October. I have others resting in the garage. 

I want them to go away, though, because I want to soak in a few more days of summer. I'm not ready for sweater-weather quite yet, but I wouldn't mind a good squash soup. This is the year I need to learn to make that for myself. 

Wow. It's another Friday already, and I can count them down now before my life is taken over again by chaos. I'm currently nose-to-the-keyboard finishing huge writing projects so that I can be on top of the game once things kick off. Getting excited about all to come in the 2022-2023 school year. 

I actually get to teach Young Adult Literature, too. Finally.

Okay, I have goals to reach. And I'm off. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Will Wear Proudly (and with humor), But I'm Far from the Ringmaster. I'm More Like the Custodian or the Insurance Assessor Hired to Assign Numbers to the Damage

These are from the love of Dr. Kris Sealey, who saw them and said, "Crandall doesn't need any more socks, but he definitely needs a pair of these." She is right, and I will wear them this year with pride, although I'm doing Bartleby and Maxine Walters with pride. The shit show was here before I arrive and will continue to be a shit storm long after I'm gone. I 'ain't' no ringmaster, but I am a said 'witness' who goes about doing his own work, trying to stay out of the chaos all around him.

We are roughly 2.5 weeks away from it starting all over again, and I can attest, "Hey. I took last weekend off for a wedding. Nashville was nice." Am I healed, recovered, rested, or restored. Hell, no. But I do get tremendous rejuvenation from my National Writing Project work. Summer is absolute bliss. I can't describe the joy any more than I already do. 

They are socks, and I assure you I'm no ringmaster; instead, I'm behind the scenes, keeping my nose to the ground, doing what is best for colleagues, students, k-12 teachers and youth. I cannot make up any of the shenanigans of higher education administrators, but I've learned from mentors and brilliant people before me to 'shut up, and do what is right.'

I knew in K-12 settings that higher education needed to be blown up and rebuilt, but I sold my soul to the devil and now benefit from being an 'insider." I can tell you, though, that there is so much that needs to change. There are no words. 

I'm not sure who the Ringmaster is...but I imagine its middle initials are greed, or hypocrisy, or tradition, or exploitation, or anti-EDJI initiatives, when they claim EDJI initiatives. 

Hence, the Shit show. For now, I'll perform as I do (maybe a poodle who can balance a ball on his nose or a hippo in a tutu, but I'm not a ringleader...I couldn't live with myself if I was responsible for this mess).

Boo! I'm Afraid August is Being Bullied by September and October and Water Sport Season is Disappearing. That's Why I Ordered Another Board

Truth be told, OSJL had a great a paddle board and get equal amount of money on a gift card for the store. So, there's now $399 to be spent at OSJL and we have two paddle boards to play with during the summer months. Yesterday, I actually cancelled a meeting to get some water time (thanks, Jessica, for understanding and encouragement. Yesterday's sand-time was for you). But the water was rough and standing was not easy. Kneeling was fine, sitting was a breeze, but the standing part...splash. Soaked. And worth all of it...except the Man-o-War in the water.

The beaches were empty, too. Ocean to ourselves and the experience was wonderful.

Alas, today will be cloudy and the temperatures are dropping which means the water will cool even faster.

Ugh. Of course, I procrastinated the list of things I wanted to accomplish for the day, but when the email came in that my 2nd paddle board was here ( and blue - Syracuse colors), I took it as a sign that there were more important things to do that read, write, plan, edit, and revise. The world was calling. 

Today, however, I'm getting back to the grind because I have to. And I'm looking forward to it. I love the students, I love the schools and teachers I work with, and I love the National Writing Project. The good colleagues across campus find one another and they keep me going, too. 

So, here's to hump-day. Time to make the donuts. Well, to sip coffee for two to three hours from home (while I'm still able to live this way)

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

My Good Deed for the Week. It Was a Monday and It Never I Dropped Off Joanna and Justin's Wedding Butterfly Bush. Bring On the Spirits

The day took off rather quickly, and I'm still not sure where all the time went. I do know that I got a butterfly bush for Justine and Joanna, which I dropped off on their front porch. My bush is currently loaded with swallowtails and monarchs (no, there's no sexual pun there), and I thought it'd be a great welcome-home gift from me. Crazy to know they are less than 4 miles from my house, but we travelled all the way to Mayfield, Kentucky to see each other. That must change.

I also laughed that my lawn guy stopped by to aerate the grass and I told him, "You're doing a great job. My lawn is a complete dustbowl out front and in the back. There is no grass, so I don't know why you're bothering."

I'm not going to water. This is the northeast, and I'm sorry we're in a drought, but I'm not swamping the yard with high water bills. Comes what may, I say. for now, I'll take the dust. It's insane. 

And there's a rumor it is supposed to rain this afternoon. We shall see. We all definitely need it. Connecticut is excessively thirsty right now. 

Bring on the floods.

Monday, August 15, 2022

Don't Tell Anyone, Especially Tunga. In Nashville, I Went for a Morning 60-Minute Walk and Found a Gourmet Donut Shop. I Gave In & Kept It a Secret

The first was a Cinnabon donut and the 2nd was a cinnamon toast donut. Sugar and cinnamon are two of my favorite things to eat with coffee in the morning, and I tend to avoid it. 35 miles from a hotel, however, you can look around and say, "I deserve this."

I did. It was worth it and I am still tasting them.

But I was on vacation. Need to get back to the boring world of carrot sticks and apples. At least apple season is coming.

After a weekend of not making dining decisions, and flying by the seats of our pants, I will miss such irrational, unhealthy decision-making.

They look good, don't they?

The other celebration of yesterday is taking advantage of Debbie's (neighbor) junk pick up. I was able to clean out big items from the garage that needed to go. I should probably spend all day today rearranging the garage. I'm not a hoarder. I simply get too many books each week and don't get rid of the boxes. It's a cardboard palace out there. We'll take care of that soon. 

Just like I'm taking care of you. You're looking for a gourmet donut...aren't you?

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Then There Is the 2.5 Hour Plane Ride Home with My Knees Jabbed Into the Seat In Front of Me. Yes, I Fly Economy & I Shouldn't Campaign

There is not much negative to say about cheap plane tickets 17 miles from my home. I figured it would be a rough ride, but enroute to Nashville I sat comfortably and was impressed by the space for my long legs. This didn't hold true on the way home. I was jammed in-between two people, too (equally as long-legged). It's all good. I am home safe, although I think I left my computer chord at the hotel. 

Tunga and I took backroads through KY to the Nashville airport just to say we could. I know he loved driving the BMW because he only gave me opportunity a few times. 

What a great trip. I still have more to share, but figure I will save the moments for days where I'm stuck for what's on my mind. 

Now, the bills from the trip will arrive and I need to move dollars around to cover the costs.

I'll be heading into Cloud 9 this week, though, because every second of the time away was worth it. Even the sore knees and, well, injury of falling through the stairs.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

84 Degrees and No Humidity in August Seems Like Kentucky Fiction, But That Is What we Got for Hiking & Joanna's Wedding - an Absolute Beautiful Day

The day was all sunshine, conversation, joy, celebration, beauty, and love...those are the best kinds of days to have. There are too many beautiful pictures to post, so I'm going with the KY-made pies and pastries that were on display at the lodge (probably enough mini-pies so everyone could eat two). It was a nice cap to a wonderful barbecue before the dancing took off until midnight.

Ah, who doesn't love a bourbon toast?

Only mishap was Crandall falling through rotted wood on a staircase walking toward the water. I wiped, but am okay. The stair...not so much. I am surprised I'm not a gigantic bruise this morning. 

I'll likely post wedding pictures onto Facebook to capture the rest, but opted for desserts here.

Our flight back to Connecticut is at 6 p.m., so we have more time to play around in the area. It's another beautiful day today and I'm thankful that Joanna and Justin pulled me back to the bluegrass. Everything is so lush down here compared to the northeast where it's a dustbowl. Happy Weekend everyone.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Made It To Paducah for Pre-Wedding Beers, Then To Our Hotel (Schitt's Creek Would be an Up-Grade). Slim Picking in These Parts, I Guess

Just two days. Just two days. Tunga's already online looking for another place to stay tomorrow night. I told him, "We are in the middle of nowhere and I picked the better of all evils." The plumbing works...what else does he want. 

This morning, we are meeting Sue and Dave at Land Between the Lakes and hiking in search of bald eagles. The wedding isn't until this evening, so we'll make the most of the day...and temperatures aren't even going to hit 90, which is a bonus. 

The beers at Dry-Ground Brewing were good, with several original IPAs. Definitely a good way to spend an evening.

We drove into the hotel late at night, and I'm unsure what we'll find outside in the morning. This is a part of KY that was hit hard by tornadoes a year or so ago. Just check out the devastation that NPR reported.

Ah, but we made it to the wedding day and a memorable trip. That is what matters most. 

And it is good to put money back into the local economy. Phew. It's hard to imagine how a town picks itself back up after a storm like that. 

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Made It To Nashville with Only a Slight Delay. Was Graced By the Hospitality of Dr. Kevin Leander, Vanderbilt University. Nashville's Definitely in a Boom

I didn't expect delays, but leaving Tweed, the pilot announced no flights were going into Nashville and we had to head back to the gate. Fortunate for us, it was only a 35 minute delay. We arrived by 6 p.m. their time, got our rental car (upgraded to a BMW...nice), and headed to the hotel. Kevin came by to pick us up, took on on a slight tour, and then we went out to a BBQ joint.

Delicious. Afterwords, we hiked across the Cumberland River and took pictures of the city. We drove by the tourists listening to bands and drinking their brains away, but we avoided that romp and simply walked instead.

I laugh that Dr. Leander came to take us out. When I was a Ph.D student, Kelly and Kathy put me on a project reading his work and I was blow away by his brilliance, but also how complicated his thinking took me quite a while to understand what he was writing. Since, we've met from time to time and a few years back bonded over an Improv performance with Vygotsky's Sister - a consortium of his friends who were also scholars. It was a riot. I've always loved the way his mind works and I know how lucky we are that he was our tour guide for the night.

This morning, we'll do more touring and then we are off to find a brewery in Paducah before settling into our Mayfield hotel for the wedding. 

Great evening. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

It's Been a Minute, But I'm Taking a Couple of Days off to Attend a Wedding in Mayfield, Kentucky. Looking Forward to the Joy Ahead

So, Tweed has direct flights to Nashville and the round trip is insanely cheap. This is a game-changer for sure. As a result, I'm heading this afternoon, meeting scholar friends in Nashville, going to a wedding, and hiking with Kentucky peeps who will visit for the day. I'm packing audio books and a promise to myself to simply enjoy being elsewhere for a few days. 

Joanne Warren is getting married. We made the Kentucky connection during her interview at Fairfield University and it was then she laid a plan into action and has crossed every t and dotted every I since. She also maintained CWP programs as a graduate student for several years, of which I'm thankful.  Crazy, too. The temperatures of Tennessee are predicted to be cooler than the ones we've had in Connecticut the last few weeks. Going south for a cool down? That doesn't seem possible. 

I spent yesterday putting away CWP summer work and storing items for the year to come. I also bought poison ivy lotion because my legs and ankles are a hot mess. 

Was wonderful to have dinner with the Sealey-Wooley-Johnsons last night, too, and to see Justin before he departs for Memphis. The rest are leaving for Trinidad. Sad to think I only have a couple of years left with all of them until their centrality goes to Penn State. Much can change by then, though. 

Here's to low key thunderstorms, less-than-bumpy skies, and a wonderful time on a mini-adventure. I'm definitely not one for weddings, but I do love an impromptu adventure.

And I'm off.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

I Could Write About the Syllabi I Spent All Day Monday Creating, But Instead Wish to Share a Video Created by the Youth of Ubuntu Academy

 In a mild panic because the University computer decided to update itself on the last few seconds of editing the film form Ubuntu Academy (I thought I lost it forever), I was able to recover it. This is the recording of them reading the lines from the community poem we created together. They wrote to me, I stole their words and created a stanza for each, and we responded to Jason Reynold's poetic novel, Ain't Burned All the Bright

Super proud of the kids and teachers. 

Now, if only I can get my email working again. Phew. Last night did not end as I hoped it would. Too many technological glitches, but we got this!

Today's another day. 

Monday, August 8, 2022

Thankful for the @NYTimes for Offering 25 Summer Refreshing Recipes As One of Them I've Never Had, So I Went Right To It Before Hitting the Beach

Crispy Gnocchi Tomato Summer Salad. It was delicious, easy, and perfect for a beach day (well, when we headed back indoors...outdoors, tequila was all that was refreshing). 

Very simple recipe: skillet the gnocchi, slide 1/2 a red onion, basil, and parsley, cut up several kinds of tomatoes, add feta, and mix with balsamic vinegar. Next time, I think I will add garbanzo beans, too. It was filling, refreshing, and delicious.

The water was choppy, however, and standing, kneeling on the paddle board was a little rough. We all ended up falling into the water. I'm now debating about getting a second board, as there's a deal at Ocean State that might be too good to pass up. You basically buy the paddle board then they give you cash back to buy more products in the store (for the same amount). That's how I got my kayak a few years ago, and it took me two years to spend down the gift cards. 

Happy work week, world. It's Monday, but I don't have to do a 9 hour day; I can simply ride the day with what comes my way as I close out summer events and beginning thinking about the Fall. 

I feel good. House is clean. Laundry is done. I was exercised and fed, and I stayed cool in these temperatures. The water was refreshing, I lost my sunglasses twice in the Sound (both times, Beverly found them - okay, I wiped out on the Paddleboard). 

My sinuses are still driving me nuts and my poison ivy blotches are maddening. I'm not sure if it's on Karal and she keeps swiping me with the oils. I keep having breakouts in new spots. 

The weekend was an exhausting kind of relaxation, but one that I needed. It does pay to live by sand and ocean...that's for sure. There's no excuse NOT to take a little holiday when you can.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

It's the Mundane That Is Attractive To Me Now: Mopping, Vacuuming, Doing Laundry, & Sitting Within a Cold House

My brain is still not working. I had a good sleep and couldn't wait to do nothing but, well, absolutely nothing. It is the waltz of mindlessness, cleanliness, calmness, and serenity that is attracting me most. 

I spent the day catching up with people, talking with students of yesteryear, and arranging hotels and rental cars for a soon-to-come wedding. And it felt great. I was able to hang up my hat of obligations, worry, frustrations, and dumpster-fire extinguishing, to simply fold laundry, load white cloths in bleach, and not stressing about time, responsibilities, nor Workday. 

I'm not sure what today will bring, but I am hoping to continue a weekend of relaxation. It's hot in CT, the humidity too intense, and the lack of rain has caused conditions to be dusty and thick outside. My nostrils and throat would like reprieve.

I'll deal with my psoriasis, poison ivy, and dry cough in hopes that rain and cooler temperatures are on the way. It's Sunday, and I will use it as a day of rest, because that is exactly what the universe has ordered.

Be well. Rest. Recover. 

I think I shall make a gnocchi and tomato salad.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Thankful to @JasonReynolds83 for AIN'T BURNED ALL THE BRIGHT. Finished it 38 Immigrant and Refugee Youth & We Wrote a Community Poem in Response


How To Become The Sun

with thanks to Jason Reynolds for Ain’t Burned All the Bright and Kwame Alexander for modeling the poetic possibilities of a community poem written by the 2022 members of Ubuntu Academy, a summer program for immigrant and refugee youth.(video coming soon)


And I’ve been sitting here

wondering about words,

the ways they’re just like birds

flying high above us at times…




and diving…

with each one we learn we are arriving

to shine as stars in the sky…

one word at a time,

we are in our prime

growing together as if we are one…

This…our light…this … the sun. 

(Gabrielly) - Brazil

And we dance to our music,

along forests and rivers,

while listening to Brazilian beats,

the simplicity of people

hand in hand with God 

and the friendship of family, 

our family with this friendship.

O Bambu va gemer.

The bamboo will moan, 

and we will ask ourselves, 

“Are we doing our best?”

(Leondro) - Brazil

And we’ll laugh with the culture of Cape Verdi,

the mixture of European & African elements, 

our folk tales & festivals of language,

our carnivals of traditions -

Saco vazio ñao fica de pé

The empty bag never stands alone

And we’ll find ourselves breathing, too,

changing channels for something new,

discovering language with Ubuntu,

where we open the book of how we grew,

Reynolds burned bright, and we will, 

….We will, too.

(Camilly) (Brazil)

And we are from welcoming people,

our fruits, our vegetables, our beaches and our rivers.

Brazileiro não desiste

I stand as a Brazilian 

and I won’t resist

any part of this journey

(Gabriel) Brazil

And we are on the road of finding out,

If I never leave my place or home,

I’ll never see the things the world

hides from me, 

Se vocé naô sair do lugar aonde vocé nasceu 

nunca vai descobrir coisas que o mundo esconde

This is why we want to breathe.

(Helen) Congo

Why we want to be happy.

Our lives are short,

Hiwet hxar eya,

and that is why some of us choose

to watch videos of Eritrean sunsets

and sunrises.

(Axli) Dominican Republic

And some of us choose to do the merengue -

It is a dance for the humanity of people

and, yes, we’ll learn the power of words at school.

We’ll celebrate Díade la mujer,

and watch anime,

fuimos a donde el diablo deja la chanceleta. 

Not all of us who have left the Dominican Republic,

are lost. 

Some of us grow stronger every day…

stronger together

(Angelica) Colombia

La cumbia, currulao, pasillo, mápale, abozao, salsa

Some of us move with the accents of our people,

the history of Colombia,

the prayers to God,

the music para aplanchar, volerus, 

cumbia y música de toto la mompposina.

We know how to breathe and we dance.

(Jose) Haiti

Because it is by this chance 

that we’re playing this game together

as if we are our own YouTube video…

The who, the what, the when, the where, the how.

Kòman, and the way I’m able to be another WOW from Haiti.

Yes, I’m the youngest in my family, 

but I have so much to prove.

(Brenda) Mexico

And I’m been sitting here

wondering about their words,

and how like birds

they fly high above us at times…




and diving…

here we are arriving

as if all of us are stars in the sky…

one word at a time.

Here we are, with effort, we try…

to grow together as if we are one…

This is our light…this is our sun.

(Sydney) Haiti

It is up to us to leap ahead

L’union fait la farce

to get ahead.

We must learn all day long,

and help one another

to become part of this song.

(Daniella) Haite

I am summer sun dances and I the music,

I am the clear oceans 

where we hear drum beats hitting 

every part of the body,

Bon bagay

the good stuff

living life to the fullest,

until we’ve had enough.

(Marcelina) Zambia

We are gifts. We bloom with hope,

We offer Mujezo, this compliment,

and me, I am a Zambian flower, 

a Congolese bloom,

who offers light to the darkness 

in every room

I enter.

(Gabriella) Brazil

We are the garden that reaching towards the sun,

building our community as we all have fun,

rooted in history and culture, we love to talk,

Lá em casa a gente conversa,

together, arm in arm, we are ready to walk.

(Byron) Ecuador

Está chevere esta fiesta

We are the music 

We are the lyrics,

Que día tan vacano

Oh, what a wonderful day…

Ecuadorian and American

We are having our say.

(Pedro) Brazil

And if you open the door for me,

I will open the door for you…

with a photograph. A memory.

even a drawing, too.

This is my culture

& my happiness.

We give our all. 

We give our best.

(Andres) El Salvador

And I have memories of the landscapes in Colombia

Este  habla hasta por los codos

and I can’t stop talking about 

the importance of my independence,

but I also am also a part of a team…

to play soccer is every boy’s dream.

(Jalen) U.S.

And I’m sitting here, too

wondering about the words,

the ones that are like birds

that flying high above us at times…




and diving…

extended metaphor,, here we are arriving

as if we’re only stars in the sky…

one word at a time.

this effort, we try…

and we grow together as if we are one…

We are the light…We are a sun.

(Ana) Brazil

And in my veins 

flows the search for new knowledge,

this is the waterway of being human,

the possibilities for creation and connection. 

Nâo ponha a carona na frente cos bois

We are the possibilities.

From many backgrounds we become one,

With energy from all our hearts,

we’re made into the sun.

(Giovanna) Brazil

We persist, resist, and insist 

on never giving up,

We sing with culture,

and we dance with love.

(Ana Julia) (Brazil)

Pois estou certoque nem a morte, 

nem a vida…

nem alguma outra crintua nos poderó separar do acorde de deus

que esta em Cristo Jesus nosso sennec.

My grandmother’s time lives within me,

like your ancestors live within you.

The pride with our culture sets us free

Inhaling. Exhaling

We’re taking in life

We’re letting go of bruises,

and allowing letters fall to page,

I now see how every word cruises

with new possibility and hope…

Failure is not our option. 

Giving up? No, Never! Nope.

(Rhaiza) Spain

Our only limits, come from our soul,

our only traditions, our customs 

they help us to grow…

they help us to glow.

(Junlin) China

And we wish everyone firecrackers

and mooncakes festivals.



I am Chinese

(Martha) Congo

And some of us were born to a family 

that believes in God,

with respect for others,

and the importance of

bringing with me, with us,

a smile,

(Cheikh) Mauritania

We were born to national anthems,

to lyrics, and to dreams, 

taught to sing forth our humanity as children,

or so it seems.

تعال الى هنا

taeal alaa huna

We breathe together.

We Inhale. We Exhale.

Sister. Brother.

(Michael) U.S.

And I’ve been sitting here

wondering about the power of words,

and how, like birds,

they flying high at times…




and diving…

with every new one, we’ve been arriving

as stars in the sky…

one at a time.

with effort, we try…

we grow together as if we are one…

This the light…this the sun.

(Euniceca) Haiti

Lavi pa espire ann auanse timoun

We must keep going, we must not expire

We must uplift ourselves further, go higher and higher

even in the darkest times.

(Jennifer) Brazil

O coraçao dos outros é terra onde ninguém pisa

Our hearts must walk similar lands:

to parties, with stories, under weather, and with music.

Alone we might break. 

Together we are thick and difficult to cut in half.

(Livia) Brazil

And that is why we are walking forward, 

one foot in front of the other, 

focusing on one step at a time….

for our little sisters and our little brother.

One step, then two, 

then three, then four, 

Who wants to be an outcast?

Another step…

and more and more and more.

(Kevellyn) Brazil

Soft water beats a hard stone…

that is, until it sticks

.We find light in darkness 

because we are

candles and lit wicks

with smiles, celebrations, food and gifts…

soft water beats the hard stone

until it sticks.

(Valery) Ecuador

Arrecho nunca muere y si muere, muere arrecho

Learning is listening, and listening is learning, 

each of us together keep this flame burning,

our points of view, our ideas, our language and our story…

We burn best together, offer more light with our glory.

(Yagmur) Turkey

kafanı ısırırım, I’ll bite your head,

no Turkey for you, and it’s time for bed,

kafani isirim, your head will be bitten,

this word play, translation, and we read what is written. 

It always feels great to be understood,

Learning language together, it just feels good.


Faze aque lio tem que faze

We’re going to do what we’re going to do, 

burning our bright, and lighting the way, 

finding these words to have our say

We’ll  inhale and exhale, 

we’ll keep breathing, too,

channeling our minds 

in search of something new,

In finding English this summer together with Ubuntu,

We opened a book and, wow,  look how we grew,

(Miguel) Brazil

A divided nation will never move forward,

we must be the light, walking toward and toward

the better day for us all, always standing hand in hand, 

opening doors for others, the possibility of this land

Da qui pra frente e so pro trais

There’s no going back,

for all of us here,

There’s just staying on track.

(Geovanna) Brazil

a pressa e inimiga da perfelcao

it’s okay for us to slow down,

to listen to music, to dance, and to smile

but for our friendship to grow

it always takes a while.

(Yasmin) Brazil

a vida não é mamão com açúcar

learning is easier when voices come together…

good humans offer shelter to others 

even in bad weather

(Krislley) Brazil

Tente tirar o bem de uma situação ruim

Situations change. The good brings us better.

The appiness arrives 

when learning together. 

Inhale. Exhale. 

Choosing what’s right.

Nope, Not yet. We Ain’t burned all the bright.

(Yaritza) Dominican Republic

Siempea te va a compañar dios en las buenas y en las malas.

We’re burning light and guiding the way.

Buying new pairs of shoes? Ha, I deserve a good day!

(Gustavo) Brazil

A crianca que você era, teria orgouho da pessoa que você e noje?

We are children and adults all at the same time,

investing in ourselves before we reach our prime,

finding words to our stories and language for our dreams,

one summer at a time, at least this is how it seems.

(Jessica) U.S.

Here we are sitting

still working with words,

we’ve taken them high,

and we’ve flown with the birds




and diving…

This is Ubuntu. We’ve always been arriving

to sparkle our bright like stars,

to light up the sky…

We are one word at a time…together we fly

this is what it looks like to grow together as a community of one…

It’s finding one another… 

That’s how to become the sun.

Late Additions

(Giussep Banga Banga)

Je n’ aime pas les criminal,

And we do not like to be criminals,

but represent Burundi Democratiqu du Cong,

We go to parties, play soccer,

keep learning all day long,

We do what we can to become part of this song


And I sing of saints of Ecuador,

with a peace of mind as I explore

November 10th and the miracles

for solving my family’s problems.

Dios manda problemas a sus soldadas mas fuertes 

y los mantiene siempre de pie.

With God, I stand strong. We are soldiers.

New words each day, We grow bolder.