Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Visited the Alma Mater Yesterday on Their First Day Back for a New Semester: Great Energy, Beautiful Diversity, Academic Joy-Land: All Orange & Blue

Funny. I got the butterflies and nerves all over again, parking in the University garage and heading up to Huntington Hall. I have many memories of the four years I was there for the first day of school, each year a different year (and only one year I  invested in such good parking - otherwise it was Manlius Field House and a bus for me). Everyday, I came in to see the red beams supporting glass before turning right, to walk up the stair, turn into Reading and Language Arts.

My memories from those days are vague, as it set the pace of a 6 a.m. until midnight lifestyle of which I'm used to now. Sad to see the doors of the RLAC closed, however, as times are always changing. 

Kelly is interim Dean, so I met her in the Dean's Office then we went on a tour of all the updates on campus, including the D'Aniello Institute for Veterans & Military Families, the updated Schine Student Center, and the Einhorn Family Walk. Swank spaced, indeed. 

Our ol' restaurants are no longer open on Marshall Street but we found a new space to eat and catch up. It's always a pleasure to meet with Kelly, as I owe her so much in my life and career. I couldn't have received better mentorship and because of her I finished my time at Syracuse with great success. 

I met two new doctoral students, heard about several changes, and then it hit me...it's been 11 years since leaving the hill and moving on. And it's only been my 4th time coming back...Writing Our Lives events, Kwame Alexander visit, and one time to work with a SOLER crew.

Blink of an eye. Just like that. Hard to appreciate all the intricacies when in the thick of it, but truly proud of every ounce invested into this soul (and just as proud as my doctoral brothers and sisters since). 

And with that, I'm packing up and heading back to CT. I'm carrying several wonderful days back with me (and the good for a CNY barbecue on Mt. Pleasant. Stay tuned, CT peeps).