Saturday, August 20, 2022

I Want This Rest. I Want to Be Able to Sleep Soundly for Long Periods of Time and Wake Up Feeling Refreshed. Instead, I'm in Dryness Sinus Season and Miserable

Not sure when I had a good sleep last. We're on three to four weeks of high temperatures and no rain, so the dryness is out of control and my sinuses hate me. I move from headaches, to sore throats, to coughing, to earaches, back to headaches again. And being a self-diagnosing physician, I keep coming up with solutions on my own. So far, none of them are working (and I am thinking I need a good ol' Grannie Annie boiled water in a bowl, towel-over-head-and-bowl, kind of night. Funny how as we get older, the allergy thing evolves.

There's no rain in the forecast either. I don't know how people live desert life. I am not a fan of the dust-breathing. 

And because I'm Mr. Miserable with health impairments this morning, I should confess that I'm icing my left knee, too, as it is swollen and full of lots of fluids. The only thing I can name that would cause this is the spill during the wedding when my right leg broke through the wooden steps and I went flying forward to land on my left knee. But that was Saturday, and I've been paddle boarding and walking since without a glitch. Then, in the last 24 hours, I'm now in pain and swollen. It's very annoying. 

Aging sucks, too. Boo hoo hoo.. 

On a good note, I grilled chicken and Pam made her famous Mac-n-Cheese, so I ate well last night. Seriously don't know anyone who does the dish better. It simply brings smiles and happiness to all who eat it. 

Okay, it's Saturday. I need to quit whining and get to work.