We are roughly 2.5 weeks away from it starting all over again, and I can attest, "Hey. I took last weekend off for a wedding. Nashville was nice." Am I healed, recovered, rested, or restored. Hell, no. But I do get tremendous rejuvenation from my National Writing Project work. Summer is absolute bliss. I can't describe the joy any more than I already do.
They are socks, and I assure you I'm no ringmaster; instead, I'm behind the scenes, keeping my nose to the ground, doing what is best for colleagues, students, k-12 teachers and youth. I cannot make up any of the shenanigans of higher education administrators, but I've learned from mentors and brilliant people before me to 'shut up, and do what is right.'
I knew in K-12 settings that higher education needed to be blown up and rebuilt, but I sold my soul to the devil and now benefit from being an 'insider." I can tell you, though, that there is so much that needs to change. There are no words.
I'm not sure who the Ringmaster is...but I imagine its middle initials are greed, or hypocrisy, or tradition, or exploitation, or anti-EDJI initiatives, when they claim EDJI initiatives.
Hence, the Shit show. For now, I'll perform as I do (maybe a poodle who can balance a ball on his nose or a hippo in a tutu, but I'm not a ringleader...I couldn't live with myself if I was responsible for this mess).