Friday, August 19, 2022

Gourdians of the Galaxy, Grown Right Out Front on Mt. Pleasant - the Only Crop that Took This Year is the One I Never Planted

I feel for the gardeners in southern Connecticut. The lack of rain has been brutal and keeping flowers, lawns, and trees alive has been harsh. I spent around $70 on my first-ever herb garden and it was a total bus besides the arugula and basil. And I water. It's just been too hot. 

Of course, last year's Autumn pumpkins fell to the soil from the front porch and rerooted themselves and now I'm picking gourds daily. I've always been gourd-yes, if I do say so myself. They do seem premature though, and I'm wondering if they will rot by October. I have others resting in the garage. 

I want them to go away, though, because I want to soak in a few more days of summer. I'm not ready for sweater-weather quite yet, but I wouldn't mind a good squash soup. This is the year I need to learn to make that for myself. 

Wow. It's another Friday already, and I can count them down now before my life is taken over again by chaos. I'm currently nose-to-the-keyboard finishing huge writing projects so that I can be on top of the game once things kick off. Getting excited about all to come in the 2022-2023 school year. 

I actually get to teach Young Adult Literature, too. Finally.

Okay, I have goals to reach. And I'm off.