Yesterday's post-lunch exercises turned into an afternoon bonanza of games, relays, competitions, sweat, desire for water, laughter, and physical activity. Yes, it was hot, humid, and pretty much miserable, but the laughter cooled the team down, so much so that people walking by were pulling out cameras to capture the happiness. That's the power of the work.
It also helps that we have absolutely brilliant and beautiful human beings attending this summer, as well as teaching. We are so fortunate, too, to have a core group of Brazilian students adding to the mix of the work. They bring thirst, humor, ambition, culture, dance, and enormous appreciation.When we pack up for the day, and all the students take part in the clean-up and organization, I can't help but think, "Wow." Jessica, William, and I stayed late last night simply dreaming about a location or school or place or space where we could do this work all year round, with other passionate, dedicated educators who find bliss in giving their all to the potential of the young people they've chosen for a career.
It is amazing to me to see the demographics of summer programs in contact to those during the academic year. I always tell my students the best time to be in campus are June, July, and August. That's when the greatest education occurs (plus campus is a stunning environment in the summer - all props to the athletic teams who run camps, too --- they are sure to feel the same energy).