Wednesday, May 25, 2022

It's Been a Minute for National Travel, but I Made it to Denver, Colorado for a National Writing Project Meet. I'm Exhausted. But I'm Here

Crandall got it in his head that he'd drive to Syracuse, leave Karal with the parental units, then fly to Colorado for the NWP gathering, only to return to Syracuse to visit for a couple of days. So began a day of travel that began at 5:30 a.m. and ended and 11:30 p.m. (well, 9:25, East Coast time).

I don't think I was ready for the crowds of airplanes and airports, but we have to start somewhere. Hotel pillows and hotel beds. Here we go.

It was nice, however, to sit in the bar last night with faces I've worked with online for the past two years. That, of course, is also surreal, as it seems like there was this massive time warp and we were all victim to it. 

Okay, I need to get out of my room and into the conference center for a bagel and some coffee. I did, however, arrive, and I am thankful for it.