Sunday, May 29, 2022

Can't Do a CNY Visit Without Frequenting Chubby's with Papi Butch. Can't go wrong with Bar Food and Beer in the Middle of the Day

I should have known on Friday when Lowes didn't deliver the new fridge until 9:30 p.m. (we'll have it there between 12-4), that Saturday would be a hot mess. Lowe's did get the new fridge in the garage, but not in the laundry room, so Butch was out in the garage at 6:30 a.m. trying to remember the difference between a Phillips and flat screwdriver. He didn't want to wait for Lowe's to return (this can't be faulted...they've been asses throughout). He did, though, kick me into gear, so we took the doors off, and then Cynde arrived and we got the new fridge in. 

I can't redo the play-to-play, because it's too much drama to recall, but Mom and Dad do have a new fridge downstairs and the ice-maker works (thanks, Mike). Then, dad needed a new pump for the wheels of his pushcart (that were flat), so we got him one of those, only to learn he had an air compressor in the garage. It's all good. Karen and Fred lent theirs.

Patience is the only way we can roll. And I also went to BJs to get sirloin steak tips and then prepared potatoes and barbecue for dinner - delicious. We won't say anything about the bottle of wine Cynde, Chitunga, and I finished post dinner, all while temperatures dropped and we wanted Butch to build a fire. Alas, no wood. 

But we had Chubby's for lunch. That's a tradition that can't be overlooked. And Mom and Dad now have a new fridge for their water, Pepsis, and Diet Pepsis. 

Ah, Syracuse. The traditions are always there for us, as is family. All love. All appreciation.