The next two days are graduation, but then summer courses begin, and I have a leadership retreat in Colorado that has been planned for months. I didn't know I was going to teach a course in May/June, though, until a week or two ago. I'm adapting, and this too shall pass.
I need to hyper-focus today on dotting t's and crossing i's (intentional mistake...I always do that). Since I won't be on campus Tues-Friday next week, I need to get everything in place for the return, when the events are insanely large (and, of course, I'm teaching!!!!). I did this to myself, but once again, it is also a favor to the University. More importantly, I have K-12 teachers and their kids I take care of, too - this takes yearlong planning.
And once again, I have no administrative support. It's been insane for a very long time. I'm not sure if anyone will ever respond or listen. I've tried. The narrative at the top tells another story...those of us doing the work experience a different reality.
So I breathe.