Friday, July 22, 2022

Six Hours of Writing a Day? It Would Never Happen. 3rd-5th Graders? Especially 3rd-5th Grades. Have You Ever Worked with Them? Why, Yes...We Have

It is remarkable to see and experience, especially on a Thursday - the 4th day. The kids come in, settle down quickly, look at the agenda, and set out to write. Granted, there are several moments in the day of high energy, spazze-ga-zoinkness, most often led by met (to the chagrin of teachers). Even so, it never seems to be every kid has their zoomies at the same time. Rather, they get energy spurts like whack-a-moles. For the majority of the day, though, they have pens in hands, are sitting with notebooks or behind screens, and they're simply composing. Why? I think it is because they are engaged. By Thursday, they have options and they want to continue to work on their writing projects. 

Today is prom day. It's the place for the young writers to display and promenade their best work from the week and in the words of one young man, Connor, "I have like six pieces I'm ready to publish." The enthusiasm is genuine and it is typically 100% (for all ages).

So today wraps up week #2 with two more weeks to go (are there really 35 people signed up for Ubuntu Academy? Why, yes there is). 

Ah, but today I want to shout out to teachers Allison Fallon, Emily Diggs, Brenda Lineras, Jessica Lineras, Jalen Johnson, and Michael Lederer for their outstanding dedication, instruction, passion, brilliance, and creativity. I only get invited in from time to time, and the rest is all them doing what they do best --- rocking as educators. 

I admit, though, I'm ready for R&R this weekend, so I can regroup for the older kids arriving next week. There are too many behind-the-scene ordeals to name, but all of them are worth it so the joy and excellence of young people can shine in our programs. 

I'm looking forward to putting all their writing into this year's publication. The Power of Words, always and forever.