Wednesday, July 27, 2022

I Have $40 Worth of Hula Hoops, How About You? Want a Twist Off Any Time Soon? Desire a Round or Two?

They were still there. I eyed them a month ago and Five and Below, but my very male brain can only function on one task at a time and when I saw them, I was thinking about 4th of July picnic food and not summer programs. I went back and WOLA! They were still there. In yesterday's conversation about tasks to do today, I said, "Well, I saw these Hula Hoops a few weeks ago and what if we?...."

I found myself running out of the store with 25 hula hoops for a task we're going to do across campus tomorrow (note: this is a preview of what I'll be doing with teachers with a National Park Service grants - I'm doing a trial today....shhh).

We will be artsy, we will be crafty, we will be multimodal, and we'll be bodily-kinesthetic. More importantly, these divine circles will help us to focus on what matters most with our writing. They may look like hula hoops to you the passerby, but they are writing accessories, indeed, especially with how we will use them. 

That's for today's trial and error. Ah, Ubuntu. The games are ahead and William and Jessica are brilliant. 

Wait. Is it Wednesday already? Hump Day. 

Gotta move!