Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Why Shouldn't Tuesday Be Like Monday & the Last Week? Karal Seems to Love This New Lifestyle of Couch Potato Upon Couch

I successfully spent most of yesterday upright (even went for a long walk). The garbage moved up to my nose for most of the day, but then found its way back into my chest last night. The result? Well, back to the couch for soup, Theraflu, and blankets. Karal was thrilled. She's gotten way too used to this. 

Talked to Cynderballz, too, and she said, "Have you ever spent a week lying on a couch watching t.v.?" and I had to think about it. Nope. But I officially can announce to the universe that I spent an entire week under a blanket watching Netflix.

I have a story for generations to come.

And I've packaged the guilt in a bag to put away for a later date. I will unleash it eventually. 

But it is true...my t.v. has had more use this week than all the other weeks it's had in my house since it was first purchased. 

Here's hoping that today will be the day it finally leaves. I thought it was yesterday, but I relapsed.


I did eat a cinnamon roll for dinner, however. That was nice.