Thursday, December 29, 2022

I Made It Out of the House. It's a Crandall Tradition to Hit Clearance at My Favorite Places to Stock up for the Next Season. I Feel Accomplished

After walking Karal yesterday morning I decided to jump in the car and hit a few places where I knew holiday goods would be 50% off. At several stores I expected the lady to say, "That will be $240," but she usually said, "$24.00" - I'm that good. I put all the purchases into a big tub and it will sit in the basement with the tree and ornaments until next year. Truth is, I will forget all about it, but when I get it out at Thanksgiving, I will be sure to say, "Cool. Glad I did this."

Why pay $40 for a sweater when you can get it for $4? That's my motto.

Today, I need to get back into teaching mode, as the winter-session begins and I'm the one signed up to teach it....well, half of it. Tues-Thurs, 6 pm to 9 pm, I'll be online with graduate students! Fun times. 

Chitunga's on his way to Louisville, and Milford and Sue are heading to Ft. Myers to get warm for the winter months (jealous). The older I get, the more I feel it in my bones why people snow bird as they do. And I can't believe 2023 is right around the corner...we were just singing like we were partying in 1999, and now all that partying is in the rearview mirror. 

Okay, time to prep for the crazy.