Friday, December 23, 2022

Last Night I Was Visited From the Tree of Christmas Past. Actually, It's This Weird Glow Effect from a Nighttime Photo. But Spirits Have Visted Me.

You know you've been sick when you high five ghosts in your house congratulating them for the success of making it 10 hours without a fart requiring a change of clothes. I also didn't wake up only to sleep for another 8 hours, either. Instead, I awoke hacking up chunks of porcupine that somehow burrowed into my chest. It came up like that all day long, and into the night. Fever came and went all day, appetite came back (good news, I have curly fries to survive the winter storm), and a few brain cells started to churning. In fact, I turned in grades, which I didn't foresee happening until Christmas Eve Day. 

Of course I'm cursing myself, too, because as I write this the intestinal gurgling is playing some sort of gastrula symphony. Music to my ears these day. Actually, the curtain opened and today's orchestration has begun. The band pit moved to the chest again.

I did bring packages downstairs to have under the tree, although they may simply lie dormant until all this passes. I'm considering it symbolism at this point. The gesture. The what-should-be. 

I should probably turn on the Weather Channel and catch up on all the doomsday predictions that are causing schools to close and governments to warn people from traveling. The Syracusian in me always raises a skeptical eye. I mean, it's not Watertown with a possible 4 feet with 65 miles an hour wind. Now that would be something to be afraid of, especially with freezing pipes and white-outs. That could get rough.

Newsflash. I think Bumble, the abdominal snowman has chosen not to leave after all (and that pun was by a good typo when it works).

I shall keep the tree lit all weekend so I have something to entertain me ... to shine a little light. Hoping the teary eyes, body aches, and phlegm tsunamis will subside, but I've thought that every day this week, haven't I?

Here's to last minute shoppers...I gave up the idea of fulfilling any holiday gifting a few weeks time, then the curse of this flu. Just riding it out as it comes...

...watching the ghost of a Christmas tree float above its presents.

and ready for another nap ... after all, I've been away for two hours. It's time.