Thursday, December 22, 2022

Going for the Gold this Holiday Season, Wrapping up the Semester with Investments in the Medicine Aisle and Prayer that Soup Will Stay Down

I still find it remarkable that I can sleep 12 hours soundly, only to wake up and need another six hours of sleep on the couch. I awake, take more medicine, grade one project, then nap for a few more hours. And here we are on day #4.

Nostrils still clogged. Chest still aching. Muscles tired from coughing and aches in my head, despite all the hydration I've given this monster. I know. I know. But he blogs. Well, I have an addictive personality, and my routines are what they are.

I ran out of self-medications, so ventured out to Big Y to get more...I was hoping, too, that movement would stir things up some. It did not (except for my sweats fell to my ankles, but that's normal while grocery shopping). It just made me need another nap.

Don't worry. I put on my Michelin man army suit like the days of full-blown Covid. Anyone who saw me in that store would tell to stay away from me. I am oozing mucus goo from my every pore. 

But I can say that the graduate projects have trickled in slowly and as they did, I quickly graded them so I could return to the couch. I'm still determined to stay on top of the game, if it's at all possible.

The Lypton soup, too, was a good purchase, as I managed to keep it down. Everything else has wanted to leave my body as soon as it was digested. The soup at least waited until 3 a.m. before it rocket-launched from my body.

Yes, I've read every website imaginable about length of the disease, how long I might infect others, and when I can expect any of it to go away. Hoping the frigid cold coming down from Canada this weekend will crush it out of my system.

I'm an optimist. What else can I be? 

More rested. And that is what I shall do. I was praying I'd wake up this morning with good news. That, unfortunately, is not here. Just a gurgling chest, fever, and more exhaustion.