Wednesday, December 28, 2022

In Honor of Her Birthday, I Did a Cynderballz! All Holiday Stuff Is Boxed, Put Away, And Over With. No Bah-Humbug...Just Happy Birthday, Cynde

The tradition has usually been to stick around Syracuse until Cynde's birthday on the 28th, but since I didn't have a Christmas this year, there was no sticking around. Instead, I sent a package via Amazon yesterday, and awoke to pretend I'm Cynde. Within minutes of the Christmas shenanigans being over, she has always wiped away the evidence as quickly as it went up. It'a a way to restore order for a new year. 

Now, I had my goods up the day after turkey, and I was counting down the days until I could drive to Syracuse and unwind with family. This, of course, was kidnapped by the flu-of-22, which finally seemed to step aside yesterday around 11 a.m.. Sitting up and not dying under a blanket on the couch, I decided, "Well, this year was a bust, and I proceeded to take down the tree, put away all the lights, and box the nativity set. I cleaned the first floor, sprayed Lysol in every room, and hopefully shocked the house's system from stomach crud, hacking, and phlegm. 

And as I did this I sang Happy Birthday to Cynde, channeling her order, cleanliness, and precision. As far as the eye can see, there is no evidence that the holidays were even a thing. I finally unwrapped the presents left by Chitunga and stored them away (a power washer for spring and a security camera that will take some research to install).

This will always be my favorite picture of my older sister: red curls and big, pink Barbie glasses. It's hard to get her to unwind and be silly, but when it happens, it's always a blast.

I'm thankful to Bev and Pam for dropping off a care package of Christmas dinners that I missed. I sat down and actually ate like a normal person (it felt good not to have to slurp from a bowl)

Safe this time tomorrow, the twins should be landing in Monrovia! First time back in 15 years.

Let there be cake! Happy Birthday, Cynde! I hope you enjoy the celebrations.