Monday, December 19, 2022

I Missed the Syracuse Gathering, But Happy Birthday, Mom, & Congratulations, Nikki. So Much Festivity in 24 Hours & a Week Before Christmas

I had one request, "Get a photo of Chitunga with Mom and one with Nikki," so I got one of the three of them with Papi Butch. Yesterday, my niece graduated from the St. Joe's Nursing program and they turned it into a birthday party for Mimi Sue, where Casey got an early Christmas gift and Tunga got a belated Birthday one. I missed out of the restaurant and cake, but I did get my photo!

And in the true tradition of mom, she wasn't looking in the camera (what else would be new?).

Never fails, for me, that when the holiday break comes around, I get a sniffle in my nose and a scratch in my throat. It's the immune system of an educator...when we see light at the end of a tunnel, our bodies say, "Now is a great time to get sick." I hope this passes. Too late. I am down for the count. Head, throat, and chest completely garbled and I'm talking through my ears. I need sleep.

Got to talk to mom twice yesterday, the first time for her weekly update on Days of Our Lives (it took a threesome to help her conclude the show is dumb, in which I replied, "You're just figuring this out after 50+ years?").

I'm super proud of Nikkerdoodles, too, who has been ram horns down to achieve what she's been after. She loves working in hospitals, and she got to graduate at the Landmark Theater, which is a beautiful venue for such an occasion.

Tunga represented the Connecticut crew, and is being treated like a king by the Kurtz's, who have been an extended family for him all these years...I'm so thankful. 

Now, I'm hoping that graduate students get their final projects in early, so I can have them graded and hit the road before the inclement weather expected this weekend. Trust me, as soon as they roll in I will have my eyes on them for feedback.

Last night, too, Pam made a ham, I brought over mashed potatoes, and the first of too many holidays feasts were had. She also made a cheddar cheese, broccoli dish which complemented everything wonderful.

Finally, congrats to Argentina. Not sure what we're supposed to do without anticipated World Cup games. What a finish! Worth every second of the last month of viewing. The best team was triumphant, and oh, what a game!