Sunday, September 11, 2022

We Never Give It Justice, but When the Harvest Move Comes Each Fall, We Throw It a Party on Walnut Beach (Marvelous Night for a Moondance)

She was orange and she was huge. She came up beautiful, simply as predicted, but not one of our cameras did her justice. We just don't have those types of cameras, but we come to sing her beauty anyway. Also, Leo strung lights at Pam's, so her patio is like an outdoor restaurant now, and perfect for cooling night dance parties. We sang and danced, all to burn off the Hoffman hotdogs and tater tots we had for dinner. 

This morning, however, the guilt is kicking in and I need a full day on my laptop with my nose in the books. The days are ticking by a little too fast and there are multiple deadlines to meet...expectations that need to be filled.

I got this. I have no choice. 

I just wish I could get rid of the dryness in my nostrils that continues to plague me at night with the dripping from sinuses into the back of my throat. It's not fun at all, even when I know I have apple cider donuts waiting for me for breakfast.

My goal was to get the kayak in the water once again, but I wasn't feeling the cooler temperatures nor trusting my bulging knee enough to jump in. Instead, I just wanted to sit on the beach and take in the air of a summer departing (which I succeeded at doing). 

Today also needs to be a Karal day. I neglected her a little too much yesterday, even if we did get in a long walk. Alright...time to make this day take off.