We begin at the fence. We end at the fence. And we have fresh air, beach fauna, sand, and water to watch the entire way. I was never meant not to live by water. It centers me and offers me hope.
At night, I got into a binge-watching frenzy with the release of the second season of The Umbrella Academy. I love the story-writing, and riddles each episode unravels and reveals, and I'm loving the new character Fei, and her crows. It's a beautiful concept, although I'm still trying to figure our #5, Christopher. Something tells me he'll be central to how this season will end.
Ah, but back to a work week. I know few will be on campus, but I'm heading in as I have a couple of big events and much organizing to do for the net few weeks.
I did get my two beach days in so I am thankful. If I had it my way, it would be every day with morning breakfast and toast, as well as evenings with a glass of wine for a nightcap. It's just beautiful, I'm thankful for the Great Whatever for its power and joy. We need reminders of what matters most.
I prefer the sound of the outdoors.