Monday, June 20, 2022

Light and Easy. A Trip to Sitting Duck for Burgers, Then a Couple of Beers in the Backyard. That's the Simplicity I Love & Crave.

I'm laughing, too, because Tunga is responsible for a dinner in NYC with colleagues from across the U.S. and they gave him a $4,000 budget. I'm not sure if he's ever paid for anyone other than me, so now he's hosting 38 people in a site unseen. I'm sure it will be fine, but I'm laughing that such an occasion fell on his lap. Event planner is not something I never saw him doing, but the financial world works complete different...I look for $4,000 grants to buy teachers books and accountants spend $4,000 on dinner and drinks. We're definitely in different professions.

And I want to freeze the weather so that it stays exactly like this. Warm sun, cool breezes, and cold nights where we can sleep with our windows open. It's pure joy to function throughout the day. 

Other than the dinner, the rest of time was spent finishing Capstone projects (three are still out - where are these people?) and running up to Kohl's to get a new vacuum cleaner. I knew mine was not doing its job, but it wasn't until I got the new one that I realized how bad of a job it really was doing. It's good to have a machine that picks up what it should again.

Okay, Monday. You're an extra day off, and I'm hoping the last projects come in over night. I want to close that chapter, as it was a wonderful experience, but a lot too much. And I want to spend a day doing nothing that requires my brain. I need a vegetable day and one where I can sit at the beach staring stupidly at the water. That's the healing I crave.