I can't help it. I teach. I know where we need to be, so I do what I can to carry forward (thankful to the KC blanket for keeping me warm). Thankful for soups, too.
I spent Thursday able to keep traction of going forward, but also with knowledge that I couldn't be the my true-self. So I was present, off screen, but in truth, underneath blankets and accepting the love of my National Writing Project colleagues.
In truth, I needed to record a video to make up for the fact that I was sick and have to have students moving a little forward so that when I'm feeling well, we'll all be on the same page.
Did I mention how powerful soups are? Seriously, be healthy out there. These times are strange, indeed, and with immune symptoms compromised, we can only do what we can do.
I heard it's Friday. National news calls for a blizzard on Saturday and local news says it will blow off to sea. This is all to say I need the weekend to continue the healing process. I'm confident we got this, but I definitely need the rest.
Warm blankets. Soup, Recovery. That's the key.