Sunday, January 16, 2022

Oh, the Suspense of a Home Pregnancy Test. Actually, Nope. I Retested for Covid and It Is Still Positive. I WANT THIS GONE.

The good news is I woke up Saturday morning and my mind was alive. I hammered out one syllabi, ordered the books I neglected to get last semester, and grew excited about classes beginning next week. The bad news is, as soon as I finished, I knew I had to lie down, which I did. And I slept for three hours. When I got up, I decided to take another home test and I failed. Ugh. I was hoping it would come up negative so I knew this thing was leaving my body.

Actually, I talked to many, who warned me to hunker down for another week and a half. This doesn't go away. "Give in to your body, Crandall. If it wants sleep, give it sleep." 

I don't know how it can be avoided. The exhaustion swings out of nowhere and there's no way to keep the eyes open.

Of course, Karal is not a good roommate through any of this. The games she plays while I'm sleeping is sort of hysterical. She burrows into the couch trying to push me off so I'll get up. Then she growls, barks, and licks. When I awoke yesterday, she also brought every toy she has onto the couch, I believe to see if I would be allured by any one of them. Who knows?

At night, I got a 2nd wind, so cleaned, sanitized, and made chili. I have not lost my taste or appetite, and simply want warm food in my stomach: soups, chili, and tea. 

And bless the Bills and Patriots for their game last night. Watching them caused me to get a third blanket to cover me on the couch. 

Not sure what today will bring. Don't send onesies or rattles. It most definitely is not a pregnancy test. Just send best wishes. I'm hoping they will help push this out of m system.