Saturday, March 12, 2022

Riding Into My Saturday, the First of a Week of a Supposed Break, With My Hopes to the Sky, The Great Whatever, That We Can Make Things Better

I'm not sure if I'm spent or recharged to do better as a human being. I have my sense of history, of social justice, of good, and of possibility, but I'm cautious of the systems, the narrations we tell ourselves, and whether or not we waltz on the dance floor of hypocrisy, or we actually stand for what we believe in. 

My colleague and I painted our classrooms in Kentucky to replicate the last scenes of The Truman Show, and we challenged our students to exit Plato's metaphorical cave to go out into the world and to put into action what they believe, preached, and stood for. Do good. Do right. Do you.

I live by the motto that actions speak louder than words. Words go out into the universe and disappear. Yet actions, and words dedicated to page, become spaces to replicate what we truly believe. How we behave, what we choose to do, and what we create for the world means more than anything we might commit to verbal promises - if actions don't follow the language, they are nothing but words meant to disappear and be forgotten. 

We must act on our beliefs and if we believe in a better world, and claim this, then our actions need to show this, each and every day, so they represent the words we stand behind. 

Higher education is as odd a location as anywhere. Cuddled in privilege, opportunity, language, and ego, such locations establish the tomorrow we want to see...that is, if they choose.

That is what I hope I stand for and what I hope I die for. There is a tremendous amount of work to be done as generations before us have demonstrated for us to follow. We owe it to them to bring forth a better world for youth and the Earth they will inherit. If it is only talk, then it is useless.

Actions. That's the answer. Create the world you want for others...for all. If you are dividing, condescending, manipulating, and conniving, you are the problem. The only answer I've ever found to be true is LOVE, and that is a LOVE for all human beings, no matter the nation, the time in history, or the social status.

Do better. That is the way. The only way.

Just do better.