Monday, March 28, 2022

Always Chuckling, If not Distraught, By Daffodil Blooms on a Very Cold Day at the End of March. The Promise of Change (and Hope) Is on the Horizon, Though. Patience.

I'm celebrating a rather productive day...thankful for Chitunga, the accountant that he is, for doing my taxes, for my early-morning drive to clean, declutter, and reorganize spaces on bookshelves and in cupboards, for the 5 mile walk with Karal (brrrrrr) and for a day of grading and catching up.

I didn't even know I had a daffodil patch in my front garden, but apparently I do, and they were singing on the edge of freezing temperatures, laughing as they are designed to do. I am thinking of Syracuse, though - I sure hope snow didn't fall as the Weather Channel predicted. I always feel bad for the buds that, like us, jump the start of the gun every spring. They will make it. We will make it, too.

We have another day of these dipping temperatures, and then we return to the regular scheduled program (even with knowledge that April, too, can be cruel).

I want to write, as well, with a special shoutout to St. Peter's Men's Basketball team. I'm a March Madness madman, and it was your run this season that gave me drive, hope, optimism, admiration, joy, and appreciation. May our world always know the story of what you accomplished. It didn't end well in the elite 8, but you have played with heart, dedication, and purpose. We see you.

It's Monday, and since the daffodils are chuckling let me type a couple of spring jokes before I head out into the day.

Does February like March? No, but April May.

What do you get when you plant kisses? Tulips!

What did the tree say when he first saw spring coming? Oh, what a re-leaf!