Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Fake It 'Till You Make It, Mr. Courtier...You Need To Self-Fashion a Fantastic, I Am SUPERMAN Kind-of Day, Even If You Know It's Impossible (If Not Comical)

Got home late from class because I had to get ready for class (the trouble with a late graduate schedule and an early undergraduate one....we 've already covered this territory...never again). Now, add the fact that the school we were to visit cancelled so a shift in plans needed to occur quickly. Done. Now balance that with meetings from 11 - 6, back to back, each with heavy, heavy responsibilities and conversations. 

I will do my best. Although I need rest. It's been nonstop, and it continues to be (and yes, I know it is normal for some to take breaks when they are given breaks, but college breaks don't match up with K-12 breaks, and summer breaks don't match up with when kids and teachers are looking for workshops and opportunities. The work, though, I love. 

The meetings? Not so much

Most important for me today is to make it until 11 a.m. - I have to keep the morning class on track and moving ahead, even with the cancellation of visiting a school - there's only so many more weeks left.

I also am approaching the day with optimism, as I predict much of today is going to be educational, while I learn how structures and infrastructures REALLY work.

It's been a fascinating year. Everywhere. Still claiming the lifelong-learning thing. I keep learning, but I need space to think, rest, and reflect. I believe our systems are in need of major, major change.