Monday, March 7, 2022

Dog vs. RoboVac Vera. The Sweeper Wins & the Canine Hides in Fear. This is a Good Thing (She Could Bark and Try to Kill It, But Doesn't)

Chitunga gave me a RoboVac for Christmas and I finally found a few seconds on Saturday night to figure it out. It's been charging since Dec. 26th so it was hyped to get out of the saddle. The directions that came with it were as vague as possible, but it did have a QR code which led to an APP. There were no instruction, so I did research for a week and finally found out that it needs to be operated through the phone APP, and I had to find online all the ways it can be operated. 

I named her Vera after my extremely tidy grandmother Vera. 

When I finally got the App to work, I commanded Vera to sweep and she took off. I expected Karal to jump at her, bark at her, and try to destroy her. Instead, she ran to me cowering, hiding between my legs, and eventually sitting as close to me as she could while she watched. As Vera swept, Karal avoided her at all costs. 

And Vera did sweep, reminding me often of Stan, one of the men in the group home in Indiana, who often yelled, "Help me. Help me. Help me." She'd get stuck trying to climb over a dog toy, or trapped herself in between chair legs. Her command was, "Alert. Alert. I need your help. I need your help," in which I had to get up, see what she did this time, and fix her so she could continue. She didn't enjoy swallowing the sliding glass door curtains, either, as she inhaled them with her thirst of consumption. "Hack Hack Hack. I'm dying."

She also says, "I think my underside needs wiping," which is something Grandma Vera never said to her grandkids.

I was impressed when she finished, though, because her little kangaroo pouch was loaded with dust dinosaurs and dog hair. I thought she'd set out to memorize the space, but she's sort of a mad, random woman who goes at it until her battery dies. Most of the carpets she can get across, but the chairs drive her nuts. I did appreciate that she could maneuver underneath the dining room hutch and living room t.v. stand, though. 

I didn't expect her to be so noisy, either. She whips forward her long lashes swiping everything she can grab into her insides. For a while, she got in a fight with picture frame that is still wrapped n plastic from the store. I don't think her sensors understand when the lashes come across plastic. Rather than give up, she seemed obsessed with attacking the frame until I moved it. It was like breaking up a girl fight at school.

Perhaps Vera is what we need to get out whenever Karal gets extra spastic. The machine seemed to put the dog in its place. Here I was having fantasies of Karal wearing a shark outfit riding Vera around the house like a cat, but she is not a happy puppy with this thing is in our house.

Happy Monday. Once again, there are no words for all that lies ahead.