Ah, the sun. It is the energy that fuels so many of us: heated, internal car temperatures, front porches, grass growing, and annuals-thriving.
That is why my Hula Hoop landed on the front lawn yesterday. I didn't engineer the garden to be so wonderful, but scattered seeds and and the warm sun allow this to be, even while leaves fall to the ground, people pull out their gloves & winter toboggans, and coats start to make an appearance.
Ah-Ha! I still have remnants of summer showing their magic in the form of, "you can't kill me yet," annuals. This is magic and for that I'm extremely grateful. I should be charting this luck in my writer's notebook.
Alas, it's Monday. Temperatures will dip towards freezing and I'm unsure how much longer they will last, but I am hopeful. I have a #$$-load of work to do, but for now I will see the front garden and have hope (as will the occasional stray bee, butterfly, and ant, looking for the last snack before hibernation). I know they've lasted until Christmas on occasion, and I wonder, "Will this be such a year?"
I am doubtful, but I can hope. Of course, today's rain doesn't seem to be as optimistic. It's gloomy out there, and very unlike yesterday when the hoop went out front with me.