Sunday, October 30, 2022

It is the Way. Gorfu from Froggorf Successfully Received Grogu from Luke & Is Now Traveling to a Galaxy Far, Far, Away

The tradition of dressing up with no place to go was switched up this year, as Leo and I did our usual, but this time instead of running the beach, randomly doing shots in a bar, or walking into a Chinese food shop, we actually went to a Halloween Party hosted by the wonderful Joanna and Justin McKenzie in Trumbull, Connecticut. Bev and Pam were left home with Patrick and Stephanie's baby.

The Book of Boba Fett finished with Luke teaching Grogu the Zen of Frog-baiting, when Frogu arrived from Froggorf to take Grogu onto his next mission. The child must be protected at any cost.

Where we are heading is up to the force, but we know the Mandalorian will be involved and, perhaps, a baby Chewbacca. We are waiting to hear from the producers.

Meanwhile, we had a great time at the party, played darts (been a minute since I've won) and ate good food with Daphne, Scoobie Doo, witches, Wilma Flinstone, Betty Rubble, Beatlejuice, and a couple of serial killers. That's how they roll in Trumbull. 

Perhaps the best part of the evening was when a banshee came down with syringes full of gin, and we mixed them into a bloody cocktail that made the head a little higher. They were delicious. 

On Monday, the trick or treaters will come, but Saturday nights are made for caterpillars, fools, and playful shenanigans. 

But today we rest. It is Sunday, and that is what it's all about.