Monday, October 24, 2022

The K (Dot) C (Dot) Little Sister is Entering Her Last Years in Her 40s Today - Free To Be You & Me Didn't Prepare Either of Us for Middle Age

It was one thing to turn 50 this year, bu when I realize my little sister is nipping at my heals with her 49th birthday, the reality settlesa little more. Perhaps her clothing style has changed slightly since our elementary years (collars not as long, a little more orange) and yes, she no longer where's crotchless, warn-out, cut-off sweats, but she still looks exactly the same. The hair, of course, a lot longer, and both her sons have taken on her looks to bring the Crandall forward in Barnwell land. I also thing she's doing something different with her bangs these days, and I've never seen her as the floral type.

K.Dot. C. Dot. Karyn Dee Crandall. Casey D. Barnwell. 

I got a notification from Amazon this weekend that her birthday gifts won't arrive until Wednesday, but it's all good as I'm sure she'll spread her wings and have a fantastic day anyway. She has the love and protection of the Triceratops (with a longer beard) and I hope the boys are at the age when they know how to make a proper cake. There's a hint in this paragraph of what's to come.

Yes, 49 is the year of a soon-to-be senior and another heading that way, too, where running around as a mini-van Uber driver is what life expects of you. But she's surrounded with great friends,  Manlius and Alexandria Bay traditions, and White Claws. All is well, as it should be.

Today is also my cousin Mark's birthday and he's in Zimbabwe doing his thing with Hoops4Hope (even handing out copies of Rhyme & Rhythm to the coaches, a celebration of poetry for athletes).

It's crazy to me to know that we're at the age our parents once were when they had to get the groceries, order school supplies, worry about our friends, and wonder what the hell we were doing as we took off on our banana seat bikes and ten-speeds.

Ah, but that is the way life goes, and often it is full circle. Perhaps Cynde and I should get Casey a similar outfit this Christmas so she, like Justin Timberlake, can bring Sexy back. She looks so much like my dad, Aunt Bobbie, and Grandma Vera. Not one of us could have predicted we'd one day be here, with our mid-life selves, but that is just beautiful. Those collars though. I imagine the geometry teachers at FM could some might mathematics with them.

Happy Birthday, Casey! Happy Birthday, Mark! You are loved!