Monday, October 10, 2022

Two Roads Limited Edition Hazy IPA with Art Work by Nick Robinson...Not a Bad Way to Spend a Sunday

We learned months ago that Nick Robinson's artwork was selected as the new IPA can cover for Two Roads Brewery (a high honor as their beer is good and craft beers are booming across the nation). Yesterday, he held an art show at the brewery (Chitunga and I bought pieces for our own spaces) and then we shopped around for holiday gifts ahead. The cans are pictured to the left. 

At night, we also took advantage of Milford Restaurant Week, paid $25 dollars, got a 3-course meal, and stuffed our brains out. It was delicious, but definitely way too much food. 

I hope Beth and Dan, as well as Kris and Dave, had great anniversaries.

The University is on Fall break, so I technically have Monday and Tuesday off so I don't have to go onto campus and can spend both days working from home (which I will). I still haven't finished major summer projects which are past due, and now the Fall projects are piling up. 

At least today is a Monday unlike most Mondays, and not one to be miserable about. I could have slept in (didn't), could putzed about in underwear getting tasks done (definitely will), and go for an even longer walk with Karal (indeed). 

Proud of Nick and his artwork, Dream Controller, and the way it looks wrapped around a can of ale. Meant to be. I did get a 4-pack but sent it home with Chitunga for his fridge because, well, that's what Dad's do.

Maybe today I will grill out hotdogs and veggie burgers, as time to use the outdoors are slimming. Then again, maybe I'll fall asleep this afternoon and sleep for 48 hours. 

All I know is it is Monday, I don't have to teach on Tuesday, and that offers me so much additional time to a typically frantic week. I will definitely take advantage of it.