Tuesday, October 25, 2022

The Tenant at Mt. Pleasant is Becoming Aggressive with the Boundaries I Set Forth - I Pay the Mortgage & She Simply Spreads Out (& Crowds My Space)

I admit it. It's mid-semester, and my time to chill-out is null. I still make time to walk Karal daily, but otherwise I'm on my keyboard writing, grading, planning, or editing. Every day, she pulls everything out from her toy box and spreads the goods around the house so I can trip over them. Then, at night, no matter where I am, she insists on jumping on my shoulders to fall asleep. 

When she does, I benchpress her off my neck to the pillows so she can sleep in peace. I am one giant pinched nerve when she's lying on my head. Dogs belong on the floor, not as head-dressing.

I have much to learn about from her, though, including why it's so easy to zonk out at the snap of a finger. She suckles as if feeding, making these tiny puppy noises. It cracks me up. I should also learn how to mooch...this pooch has three bedrooms, two baths, a kitchen, a dining room, a living room, and a porch fully paid. All she does is shed. Doesn't even wash dishes.

And as soon as I hit the stairs to go to bed, she wakes up, flies by me, and is in my spot before I can pull over the covers. It's an annoying ritual, and her way to make claim on my every move. 

Okay, Tuesday. I know you are going to be brutal, as will be Wednesday, and Thursday. I am just going to inhale and channel Karal's inner-Zen, although I imagine she's a nervous wreck when I'm away from home, hence the reason for getting every toy out. It's chew-therapy. 

Time to get off the blog and get to work. Argh. I'd rather be curled up on the couch with a blanket watching mindless t.v. on this foggy day.