Yum cake. Yum treats, Yum food. Yay friends. Life is love. Love is life. My team wins. No two beats, just one beats when we speak. We are beasts. I wake up and know we win. Good Day.
Frog love cake. Man whack Bev. Bev swear at man. Bald man. Bald man play game. Cake is friend. So we eat cake.Food no more. Bry eat too much and Bry get fat. Too much love. Too much food. So Bry must run and sweat. Bry eat fruit. Fruit is good for clean life. Frogs know flies be bad to eat. Too much fat, so Frog eat air.
New day. New life. No more pain. No more sick. No more blood. No more eye jab or foot cramp. No more wet poop. No more sneeze. We live good life from now on.
Cave club go bye. Say no more whomp to head. No more fools. We act smart now. The joy must go and we should not laugh so much. So much Booze gifts. Just add ice. Sip Sip Sip. Booze for weeks. More time to pray. More time to rest. More time to sleep.
Bry is 5 uh-oh. Need to live smart. Man should be good. And thank you.