I kept a Quirky Blog in 2009 and always have loved the word...so yesterday another poem was born.
I sleep with Mary Elizabeth
(her name said with a Vincent Price voice.)
and I’m afraid to give her away -
head severed from body…
arms, legs, and eyes
all dolled up in
the butcher paper
she came in.
give the
best gifts.
It’s probably why
I kept toenail clippings
to commence
a high school graduation
for any child who had
abnormal foot fears -
a little wilder than Gene,
and more gob-stopped than Veruca.
I learned as a boy
to swat flies dead
and to store them
like twisted raisins
& balled-up black string
in the mouths of ceramic frogs -
the one anatomically
breasted and ding-donged
if placed upon their backs
(who wouldn’t want a rose garden
sculpted from Feen-a-Mint gum?).
It’s okay to be the apple
that didn’t roll farm
from grandmother’s willow tree.
So, when they place
a Danish wiener
under your pillow,
you get postage
and mail it to their home…
a nice welcome mat
upon their return.
Who isn’t drawn
to the roller skaters
with butterfly wings —-
the masked, caped crusaders
who twirl armpit hairs
as they dance
all alone
at prom
with a