Thursday, April 7, 2022

Life Socks, Sometimes. Loved Writing My First Cherita with a Prompt from Mo Daley on #VerseLove. This is Why I Love April

When I woke up yesterday morning and saw the prompt I thought, cool. I like a challenge that cause brevity in my brain, only because I'm so excessive. The Cherita: 1 line, followed by two lines, followed by three lines, all with an intention to tell a story. I am missing a flaming sock and a fox sock. Somewhere in my house there must be the same pair (maybe in sheets or in a sleeve I haven't put my arm through in a while). 

Anyway, I'm frustrated at the world, and choosing little things to bring me joy each day. Mismatched socks it was.

I sketched the poem in my head, but waited until returning from Harding High School to put it to page, when I returned to my office by 11. And I said, "Crandall, LEAVE. Go, Home." But I ended up working until 4 p.m., only to come home, walk the dog, and work until 11 p.m. It's all good thought, because while you read this, I'll be working on my next assignment. 

  Life Socks, Sometimes


Perhaps she flew to Texas like Pink Floyd,

and is nested away in some drawer,

behind oodles of Hanes Underwear.

The madness of April is drizzle,

and she left me standing on one foot - 

Why not add foxy to the fly?